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We provide reliable, affordable coding classes fit for every child. We offer courses and code camps to help you unlock the hidden programmer in your child.
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About Us


To embed computer science knowledge in every childs life long learning process!

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Technology Smart 

Kids are trained to become technology smart in this technology-savvy generation and what better way to do it than to learn coding.

Future Coders

Kids are being trained to have the basic skills needed for the jobs of the future!

Positive Screen Time

In a world where almost every child has an iPad, we indulge them in coding activities that result in positive screen time and do not waste time.


Our Programs

Front End
  • Beginner
  • Ongoing

Front End
  • Beginner
  • Ongoing

Front End
Web Developers
  • Intermediate
  • 4h 36m

Trusted by Thousand of
Students and Tutors

Start Learning

“A real gift of learning to my beloved nation of Fiji. Quantum Space – Learning and Innovation Hub Nadi keep up this great work. Two thumbs up ! Knowledge is Power.”

Anuraag Prasad

“Ana recieved her certificate after a great time at the 2 day Code Camp this week, thanks to John and Janice and trainers at Quantum Space – Learning and Innovation Hub Nadi for running such a comprehensive and fun course for this age group. Ana had a great time and was so excited to show me what she had learnt, she also enjoyed the oreo’s.”

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Alana Tilly (Parent)

“Thank you, John, Janice and the amazing team at Quantum Space for running such an excellent and comprehensive programme for children of all ages. Cathena loved every single class from the basics of coding to creating computer programmes, wow! It is so good to see how much she has learnt and now she is trying to teach me. The thing I love the most is, she seems to understand everything she is saying to me. I on the other hand, maybe need to join a class”

Michelle Khan (Parent)