White Hat Hackers: The Good or the Bad?

White Hat Hackers: The Good or the Bad?

The word “hacker” conjures the image of someone with ill intent toward individuals, and company information systems. The prevailing theory is that they look for ways to mine company data and destroy or change customer information. Those types of “bad guys” certainly exist. The cyber security industry calls them Black Hats, but in reality, they…

Why does the Internet lag?

Why does the Internet lag?

Restricted to our homes for months now, many of us have been putting up with the persistent annoyance of a terrible Internet connection. Sounds familiar! The Internet is an informal term for the worldwide communication network of computers. The Internet is used to send information quickly between computers around the world. It has millions of smaller domestic,…

What Parents and Children Should Know About Dangers of Hoaxes or Fake News?

What Parents and Children Should Know About Dangers of Hoaxes or Fake News?

A hoax is a false and fabricated story, but one which claims to be true. Sometimes it’s a harmless prank, but other times it can lead to serious consequences that might damage somebody’s life or health. These hoaxes are carefully designed to grab your child’s attention and incite shock and panic so that they share…

Positive and Negative Effects of Online Gaming on Children

Positive and Negative Effects of Online Gaming on Children

Online games can offer children a sense of escape from the reality of the world and the social aspect of some games can help children feel part of a community. There are many types of games made for various purposes. Some can be entertaining and relaxing while others can be challenging and good for learning…

How to Protect Kids from the Dangers of Online Gaming?

How to Protect Kids from the Dangers of Online Gaming?

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. The theme for Cyber Security Awareness Month 2021 is “ Do Your Part. Be Cyber Smart.” The theme empowers individuals and organisations to own their role in protecting their part of cyberspace. Similarly, parents can also take part in educating their kids on cyber security and paying attention to…

Helping Kids Develop Good Password Management Habits

Helping Kids Develop Good Password Management Habits

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. Everything requires a password in today’s world. Whether it’s logging onto our work computers, shopping on websites, or even locking smartphones, there are only so many passwords a person can remember. Then throw in the websites that force us to change those passwords every so often. No wonder we…

Recognising and Celebrating WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY 2021🙋‍♀️🤝👩‍💻💻

Recognising and Celebrating WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY 2021🙋‍♀️🤝👩‍💻💻

In recognition of Women’s Equality Day,  we are reflecting on the computer science learning gaps and barriers to entry for girls. Computer Science (CS) presents a powerful opportunity for girls to pursue computer science, show them that they belong, and help them pursue their passions through coding. CS education enables everyone to gain widely applicable…

Cyber Security Awareness 🕵🏻‍♀️🗣️ for Kids

Cyber Security Awareness 🕵🏻‍♀️🗣️ for Kids

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month.  The Internet plays an integral part in a kid’s life at home, in schools, libraries and wherever they spend their free time. Though computers and mobile devices that connect to the Internet can be beneficial for learning, enhance social relations and keep young users connected to their loved ones,…

Tips and Strategies ✍️ to Help Motivate 💪 an Unmotivated Kid 👧

Tips and Strategies ✍️ to Help Motivate 💪 an Unmotivated Kid 👧

Have you ever spent more hours than you should putting off something you hate doing?  We all have! The truth is, lack of motivation is an issue that affects everyone, but it can be particularly difficult to deal with in kids. The problem is, the absence of motivation in kids gets worse with time and…